The Future of Education Now

Education Future

1der1 has invented new technologies to make web development and marketing easy and accessible to the masses.

Everybody can use word processors, so presenting on the internet should be of equal casualness.

1der1 has torn down the limiting requirements of pre-existing knowledge, time, and money.

Take Julie Bongartz as an example:

When she went to intermediate school, she was tasked with developing a product campaign. 1der1 made it easy for her to give the campaign home. Look for yourself:

She likes cats, so she made her passion and knowledge available to the world:

In her first year in high school, she made a spreadsheet presentation using Google Sheets. She pasted the slides into a 1der1 page:

Students can do a lot to support the environment:

Every house at the school can have a website:

1der1 makes it much more accessible to spread information to a broader audience.

Try for yourself - or let the kids do it. Start here:
Register at 1der1

Of course, 1der1 protects the privacy of students. Follow the short video about hiding all personal information.

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