About 1der1 "one der one" - pronounced wonder-one (ˈwʌndɚ-ˈwʌn)
Hello, and welcome. I am Lothar Bongartz, founder of 1der1.
We created the software and service to help local businesses and professionals. Helping each other is the key to a better world.
1der1 is just about this: Supporting each other. Mutual loyalty. Give & get. Derive value from each other. One derives one - the origin of the 1der1 name and logo.
People are the 'ones' connected by the New Zealand Koru symbol – meaning new life and harmony – and similar to the mathematical derivative symbol ∂.
Lothar Bongartz, New Zealand, your friend @ 1der1
1der1 logo for large prints - for instance, for T-shirts