Provide perfect user experience using website fallback strategies

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At 1der1, hosting client websites is included. In addition, hosting allows us to improve 1der1 modules continuously - "kaizen" in Japanese.

You can only improve when you know about possible problems. Therefore, error-catching and reporting are mandatory.

Problematic errors don't last long in this environment.

However, a lot of reports are about failed resources hosted elsewhere. Therefore, creating fallback strategies is vital for a good user experience.

First, the website owner has the option to get error reports as well. This way, the owner can fix permanent errors caused by self-provided resources.

Most of the errors, however, are temporary and are either or both caused by the environment and connection of the website visitor.

If the resource was cached, a browser cache problem might have caused the failure, and reloading without caching could be successful.

You can see that visitors from China frequently miss resources. The reason: China blocks a lot of Western domains. Google services are disabled completely, others like Facebook and Amazon quite often.

For the same reason, you don't see Chinese visitors on Google Analytics.

Wherever possible, we provide the same scripts and content from different domains. We can then use the other source as a fallback on the website. Depending on the visitor's location, we can choose the sequence accordingly.

We try to be graceful if there is no way to load a resource.

Example: If a picture of a slideshow is affected, we remove it from the list of images. If only one slide is left, it becomes a still picture. With no valid photos, the slideshow container hides, too.

If necessary, the layout changes automatically when certain parts can't be displayed.

Last but not least, you can always contact us for feedback. You get a Satisfaction guarantee: If you report an error or suggest an improvement we follow, you will get your second year of premium for free.

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