Speak the language of your customers

Language samples for opening hours

The above picture shows the same website in eight different languages.

Depending on the web page visitor's language, all text provided by 1der1 comes in the user's language.

1der1 developed translation technology, which is an integral part of all 1der1 pages. There are no external tools required. We can provide automatic translation for every language.

The following features are part of every page created with 1der1 - even for free websites:

  • Over 100 languages supported. More languages on request.
  • Translations are native. This way, we can fix translation errors.
  • Automatic layout for right-to-left languages.
  • Automatic usage of abbreviations and time formats.
  • International functionality of Google, social media, and third-party modules as far as they support it.
Question: What must you do if you create 1der1 pages or own a 1der1 page already?
Answer: Nothing. Everything works automatically.
Question: What about the website visitor?
Answer: The browser settings are analyzed automatically. If the page's original language differs from the visitor's, a Google Translate widget shows up, and the visitor can choose additional dynamic content translations.
Question: Can I override the automatic behavior?
Answer: Yes. You can choose a default language per page if you prefer different links for every language. Because of 1der1's strict separation of content and code, having the same page in various languages and URLs is straightforward. No additional tools are required; you can use the same page functionality for every language version.

Additionally, you can override the user language by changing the page URL. Add the language code to the "language of the user" parameter.

This way, you can test the pages without changing your browser settings.

These are the links for the eight languages in the picture:

Original English 1der1.org/takapunabeach
Te Reo Māori 1der1.org/takapunabeach&lnu=mi
Arabic 1der1.org/takapunabeach&lnu=ar
German 1der1.org/takapunabeach&lnu=de
French 1der1.org/takapunabeach&lnu=fr
Spanish 1der1.org/takapunabeach&lnu=es
Chinese, simplified 1der1.org/takapunabeach&lnu=zh-CN
Hindi 1der1.org/takapunabeach&lnu=hi

Mixed German / English website: 1der1.de/mercedes-benz

Same page with German translation: 1der1.de/mercedes-benz&lnu=de

Add your language parameters, and have fun!

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