The AI web designer who understands

1der1's AI web designer tries to understand your business, social media connections, Google presence, and content.

1der1 is the only web designer app that produces and understands code.

The video

First example

  • Paste a whole page's content about horizontal rules into the editor.
  • Open the 1der1 rule tool.
  • You can see all the horizontal rules and use and modify all the examples.
  • Bonus: 1der1 can convert old-dated HMTL4 code into modern HTML5.
  • See the live changes to learn as you go.

Second example

  • Paste a snippet from Wikipedia.
  • Click the heading to activate it. A related style tool opens. Apply a style.
  • Click the next part and remove it.
  • Edit the text for the picture.
  • Click the image. The image tool opens.
  • Click border-radius to round the image corners.
  • Click on a link, and the link tool opens for this link.
  • Update the style for this link.
  • Choose "All" and update all links.
  • See the live changes when using the color tool.

1der1 - and the web world is yours.

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